TRACK: Uniform, Apparel & Spirit Items Available
- Supplies are very limited (pre-Covid pricing)
Available During Registration!!
- Club Warm-up Pants: $25.*
- Club Warm-up Jackets: $30*
- Club Practice Shirts: $20* (Youth Gray and Adult white & Gray)
- Cinch up Backpack: $5
- Flyers' Window Decal: $2
*Price available during registration only, while supplies last

Available at BK Sports
- Uniform Top
- Shorts/TIghts: Club or solid black shorts (loose fit / compression). Can purchase anywhere or use pair from home.

Optional Items:
Warm Up Jacket
Warm Up Pants
T-shirt - black, green, gray
Hoodie - black, green, gray
Skull Beanie / Hat

*Go to store to get sized*
No refunds or exchanges.