TRACK: Practice & Meet Day Information
What to Bring to Practice
- Sunscreen (recommended to put on before arriving)
- Warm up pants & warm up jacket (or sweats & jacket)
- Water
- Running shoes
- Spikes (confirm with coach first - Gremlins may not use these)
What to Bring on Meet Day
- Club top
- Club or solid black shorts/tights
- Running shoes
- Spikes & bag, if approved by coach
- A sweat suit or club warm-up pants and jacket to avoid cooling down too quickly after a race.
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- Camping chairs
- Umbrella
- Water or juice
- Healthy snacks/lunch
- Reading material/games to play between events
Most facilities will also have a snack shack with snacks, drinks, and lunch items
They usually accept cash or credit.
Regular Season Meets
There are 7 regular season meets
- Usually daytime meets that begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and last until early afternoon. Gremlin long jump may start at 8 am. Check with your coach.
Individual Entry Limitations:
- Gremlin - Youth age groups may participate in 4 events, 3 of which may be running events.
- Intermediate age group may participate in any 4 events.
- The 4x400 relay is a “free” running event this event will not count against an athlete’s number of events.
- Athletes must adhere to the event limits set for each meet.
- All marks obtained by an athlete in a meet where that athlete over-evented will be disqualified.
Athlete Check-In:
- Your coach will tell you the specific time you are to report to a meet so your child can begin warming up.
- Head to your team tent or pre-planned meeting area to find your coach/team manager.
- Your child will pick up their Event Sticker which is needed to check them into the events they will be competing in.

Volunteer Check-In:
- Sign in at the Volunteer Tent 5-10 minutes prior to your shift then head over to your event/station.
- You will receive a lanyard that has the event/station you'll be working at and your name.
- Please return the lanyard after your shift is completed.
- You must sign in and out at the Volunteer tent AND with the Coordinator at your event/station in order to receive credit for your shift.
- Event/Station Coordinators will receive a bag with a radio, a Coordinator Pinnie, and the Volunteer Check in/out sheet. Please return all of these at the end of the meet.
Finals & Championship Meets
At the end of the regular season, there are separate meets for Junior Varsity and Varsity athletes. Athletes are divided into JV and Varsity classes to ensure fair competition at the end of season Finals meets.
JV Finals:
- For individual events, an athlete needs to have competed in the event at least once at a regular season or invitational meet.
- An athlete who has qualified for an individual event at the Varsity Finals, cannot compete in that event at Junior Varsity (JV) Finals
- If an athlete competes in a relay at JV Finals, they cannot run in that relay (4x100 or 4x400) at the Varsity Finals meet.
- The number of events that an athlete can compete in is the same as the regular season limit
Varsity Finals:
Qualified athletes include:
- top nine individual performers for "laned" events (100, 200, 400) and field events,
- the top 12 performers in non-laned events (800, 1600, 3200), and
- top team from each VCYTC team for relay events.
- Athletes may choose to participate in as many events as they are qualified for in the Championships meet.